Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 5 Journal 4

Module 5 journal

Q 1. Each day during the week you will read a chapter of Desire of Ages six days a week, and one passage from the Gospels the remaining day. 2. You will write at least one sentence for each day, sharing what has been meaningful to you during your time with Jesus and the reading. 3. Give the date 4. Tell the chapter number of DA or the Bible passage that you read 5. Then write in 1-2 sentences what was meaningful in that chapter or passage 1. Turn this in every week. You are given points simply for doing the assignment but this is very important part of the class. Assignment you need to answer and submit to LearningHub: 1. Date (must include 7 dates – 5 points for each day) 2. Chapter number (6 chapters for DA and one passage from the Bible) 3. Write in 1-2 sentences what was meaningful in that chapter or passage. (must include 7 entries – 5 points for each day)

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God created the world in six days but took rest and appreciated His own work on the seventh day. After reading this chapter I could know the importance of Sabbath that it is to leave all that we do within six days and giving time to Lord only in the seventh day without wondering about anything else.